Any high risk medications (antiplatlet, anticoagulant, NSAIDS-risk for bleeding) should be STOPPED a week before surgery to prevent risk for excessive bleeding
- Orthostatic BP Measurement
- Sputum culture collection
- Sterile field preparation for dressing change
- CVC basics (insertion, drug administration)
- Central Line Dressing Change
- CVC dislodgement with risk for air embolism
- Peripheral IV (note phlebitis, infiltration, extravasation)
- IV
- Phlebotomy (blood draws)
- Blood Transfusion
- NG feeding tube
- ET Suctioning from tracheostomy tube
- Urinary Catheter
- Clean-catch urine specimen
- Circumcision
- Procedural Positions
- Placement of Suppository
- Colostomy Care